19 December 2014

NHS Borders is working with the Royal Voluntary Service to support the roll out of on-ward volunteers across the adult inpatient wards in the Borders General Hospital and the Community Hospitals.

The role of the on-ward volunteers is to provide practical support to people during their stay in hospital. Volunteers will be present on the wards during visiting times to provide company to those patients who do not receive regular visitors.

The first cohort of volunteers have commenced and will initially be supporting Ward 4 and DME. Initial evaluations will be undertaken by both Royal Voluntary Service and the Clinical Governance & Quality department to gather feedback from staff and the volunteers.

Over the next few months we will work through a roll out programme extending the on-ward volunteer service to all inpatient wards in the BGH and the Community Hospitals.

If you would like further information please contact Amie Blackaby on 01896 827470 / amie.blackaby@borders.scot.nhs.uk