28 October 2014

NHS Borders Annual Review for 2013/14 will take place on Wednesday November 5th 2014 in the Tryst, Chaplaincy Centre, Borders General Hospital.

The review is an opportunity for members of the public to hear and ask questions about the Board’s performance in 2013/14 and future plans.

The session will run from 14:00 – 15:15 and be conducted by the Chair of NHS Borders, Mr John Raine.

Achievements in key performance areas that will be highlighted at the review include:

  • Alcohol brief interventions completed in the year 2013/14 totalled 2454 compared to the planned 1247; 97% above the standard.
  • 97.9% of patients waiting in the Emergency Department did so for less than 4 hours in March 2014.
  • All patients waiting for treatment from the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service were seen within the 18 week target between October 2013 and March 2014.

These achievements, along with detail on the other performance indicators and targets have been summarised into a Self Assessment document which has been submitted to the Scottish Government ahead of the annual review. An ‘at a glance’ version of this assessment will be available to the public at the review session.

Mr Raine will also deliver an update on the action points noted by Scottish Government from last years review.

Following a presentation from NHS Borders Medical Director, Dr Sheena McDonald, which will focus on the board’s annual report entitled ‘Celebrating Success’ the audience will be encouraged to enter into a discussion about NHS Borders’ clinical strategy. The strategy, which the public were consulted on earlier this year, is focussed on seven key principles which will form the basis of the board’s strategy for the next five years.

Explaining the importance of the Annual Review John Raine said: “The Board places significant importance on engaging with all partners, including patients, carers, staff, local communities and disadvantaged groups, so that their needs and views are placed at the heart of the design and delivery of local health services. This years’ Annual Review will give us an opportunity to inform and engage with the public about our current performance and future plans, and how these link with NHS Borders’ Clinical Strategy.”

Members of the public are encouraged to ask questions during the Q&A session, however it should be noted that it will not be possible to answer patient specific questions.

Anyone wishing to attend the annual review who requires additional support should contact NHS Borders Public Involvement Team on free phone 0800 731 4052 or email publicinvolvement@borders.scot.nhs.uk.