18 May 2016

Scottish Borders Community Planning Partnership has launched the Integrated Children and Young People's Plan 2015-18 which sets out the strategic priorities for integrated Children and Young People's Services across partner agencies in the Scottish Borders.

The plan was developed by the Children & Young People's Leadership Group which is a multi-agency group with members from Scottish Borders Council (SBC), NHS Borders, Police Scotland, Scottish Children's Report Administrator and the third sector. It summarises progress made over the period of the previous plan and highlights priorities and key actions which will be progressed over the next three years. It also sets out a vision that "all children and young people in the Scottish Borders will achieve their unique potential" based on the following five key priorities:

  • Keeping children and young people safe
  • Improving health and reducing health inequalities
  • Improving the wellbeing and life chances for our most vulnerable children and young people
  • Raising attainment and achievement for all learners
  • Increasing participation and engagement

Following completion of the final draft there was a consultation on the plan involving key stakeholders. This included young people and their families as well as members of the wider public and staff across agencies. The main themes identified during consultation have been reflected within the final version of the plan which was approved by the Community Planning Partnership Strategic Board in March this year.

Councillor David Parker, Chair of the Community Planning Partnership, said: "Our region offers rich opportunities for children and young people to thrive and go on to be confident and successful adults. It is our job, through the work of the Children & Young People's Leadership Group, to make sure that each child and young person is given every chance to achieve their highest potential, whatever form that might take.

"This plan builds on the achievements of the previous Children and Young People's Services Plan 2012-2015, taking it to the next level by setting out a refreshed vision and renewed priorities for the future, based on a common commitment to work together in partnership to pursue improved outcomes for all children, young people and families across the Scottish Borders.

"We are highly ambitious for the children and young people of the Borders, committed to ensuring that outcomes are improved whilst closing the gap between our most deprived and least deprived families and communities and targeting resources at our most vulnerable children and young people. We also believe that by placing a strong emphasis on developing early years' services, we will be able to reduce the cycles of poverty, inequalities and poor outcomes and provide all children and young people with the best start in life, helping them to achieve their full potential within nurturing and supportive environments."

For more information or to download a copy of the plan, visit: www.scotborders.gov.uk/childrenyoungpeopleplan

An easy read version of the plan is currently being created and will be available to download from the SBC website by the end of June.