4 September 2017

Today we launch an engagement exercise on our Clinical Strategy, which outlines our vision for healthcare services in the Borders and asks what is important to you?

We’re interested to find out what a successful NHS Borders looks and feels like to you? How could we improve our services? What support do you need to stay healthy or improve your health? How we can help you manage any health conditions you have?

This Clinical Strategy is a plan for person-centred, innovative healthcare to help the Borders flourish. It aims to have a greater focus on preventing ill health; reduce health inequalities and provide integrated care across services, closer to home.

Responses to a short, six question survey can be given to NHS Borders via:

  • a postal response sheet in the Clinical Strategy summary version
  • answering questions at an engagement event in your local community
  • completing the survey online at: /clinical-strategy

The engagement programme will run for 12 weeks between Monday 4 September and Friday 24 November 2017. During this time, NHS Borders want to hear as many views as possible from across the region. We would urge every Borders resident to share their views and help shape the future of healthcare in the Borders.

Opportunities for you to access further information, ask questions about the Clinical Strategy plan and have your views listened to, will be available through a number of engagement events at Borders’ amenities (e.g. supermarkets and libraries) and local events like Equalities Week and Langlee Carnival. For example last week, NHS Borders’ Public Involvement Team was part of the information fair at Borders College Fresher’s Week.

The Public Involvement Team will be speaking to community groups like Men’s Sheds, Baby to Bumps Groups, and Diabetes Support Groups. If you know a group that would like us to visit please email: public.involvement@borders.scot.nhs.uk.

The Clinical Strategy full and summary versions will be widely available on our website (/) and at a range of Live Borders and NHS Borders premises, such as GPs, community pharmacies, leisure centres, libraries and community centres.

John Raine, Chair of NHS Borders, said: “Despite the challenging financial backdrop, we have a real opportunity to change things for the better. By developing our current system to be innovative and forward-thinking, making the most of new technology and supporting Borders people to live well for longer, we can ensure everyone has a better experience of health and care and the opportunity to be independent for as long as possible for them. I would encourage as many people as possible to let us know what you think, your views matter.”

Dr Cliff Sharp, Medical Director of NHS Borders, adds: “Our Clinical Strategy sets out key principles for redesigning services to meet the future health needs of the Borders population. We acknowledge that this will require us to think differently with our patients, carers, and local partners in order to transform the traditional models of healthcare delivery and we are committed to ensuring Borders people have a high quality of life in their communities, accessing the care that is most appropriate for them.” 

NHS Borders Clinical Strategy Engagement Freshers Week Event