Research Project: Simulation Training for GP Trainees for Video Consultation

Interested in more simulation training opportunities? Want to gain experience in video consulting?

News Item

We’ve already had 6 GP trainees sign up for this project, but are still looking for more. This is a brilliant chance to get more training and feedback and to practise skills in consultation - particularly for those of you who have had challenges in your training due to COVID 19.

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic and social distancing, healthcare workers have had to adapt to different ways of working and training. This project aims to evaluate the effectiveness of paediatric simulation training for video consultation for GPSTs, as well as discussion of the wider use of technology in healthcare settings. GPSTs taking part in the project will carry out two simulated video consultations, with feedback and training provided in between. These will be recorded and blindly assessed according to the Pendleton consultation assessment tool.

Get updates about the project on twitter @PaedMedEd

If you are a GPST and are interested in taking part then please register your interest here
Alternatively, you can email Dr Andy Duncan at
or Abby Hettrick at

June 2020




FOAM - Free Open Access Meducation at St Mungo's ED

Dr Scott Taylor & Dr Tadhg Kelliher presented a great example of FOAM at the Foundation Development Day on 30 April 2019.  Their site contains weekly themes, podcasts, blogs and "skills and drills" primarily aimed at clinicans in ED but of wider interest.


Please login to get full access to the medical education website.  

If you need a password reminder please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Medical Education Team -; 01896 827626.