What service is being provided?

The Chronic Pain Service support people who have chronic pain to manage their symptoms and reduce impact of pain on daily life.

What personal data do we need from you?

We collect, use and store information about you such as your:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Your lifestyle, home and work circumstances

What 'special types' of personal data do we need from you?

  • Your physical health needs
  • Your mental well being

Who will be using your personal data?

Your information will be kept confidential and only shared with otherhealth professionals who need to know it in order to provide your care. There may be circumstances where we will need to share your information with other partners such as LIVE Borders and other support providers. This helps us to meet your needs and to ensure that you and/or others are safe.

What will it be used for and what gives us the right to ask for it and use it?

The information we collect about you is to make sure that we fully understand the support and care you need, to review your progress, to keep you safe. From time to time we'll also ask you for feedback to help us improve our service.

We collect and use your information to meet our duties as a healthcare/social care provider under National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978.

Our legal basis for using your personal data is "Public Task" - it is necessary in order for us to deliver our responsibilities as an NHS Organisation.

Our legal basis for using your special personal data is "Provision of Health and Social Care"

Who else might we share your data with?

We may be required to share certain data with other public bodies such as the Care Inspectorate and will do so where the law requires this.

Youranonymisedinformation may also be shared and used to produce reports/research to help us find ways to improve our service and plan for the future.

In general, we do not transfer personal data outside either the UK or Europe. On the rare occasions where we do so, we will tell you. We will only transfer data outside the UK and Europe if we are satisfied that the organisation that will handle the data and the country it is being transferred to will look after the information properly and securely.

How long will your data be kept?

We will keep your records safe after we close your case for a maximum of 6 years. We will keep your information for 3 years after you die.

Within NHS Borders we keep personal information as set out in the Scottish Government Records Management: Health and Social Care Code of Practice (Scotland) 2020. The Code of Practice sets out minimum retention periods for information, including personal information, held in different types of records including personal health records and administrative records. As directed by the Scottish Government in the Records Management Code of Practice, we maintain a retention schedule, available here, detailing the minimum retention period for the information and procedures for the safe disposal of personal information.

Our use of your data will be subject to the following legal rights:

  • Your Right to be Informed
  • Your Right to access your personal data
  • Your Right for us to rectify your personal data
  • Your Right to object
  • Your Right to restrict our processing of your personal data
  • Your Right to object to automated decision making and profiling

We may also receive personal information about you from others:

This may be from your local GP practice, Hospital outpatient service and other NHS services that can refer you.


Link to a relevant other privacy notice


Visit the following links for more information about Privacy Law, our obligations and your Rights:

 The ICO Guide to the General Data Protection Regulation

The General Data Protection Regulation

If you have concerns over the way we are asking for or using your personal data, please raise the matter with our Data Protection Officer by the following means:

 Postal Address

Data Protection Officer

Information Governance Team

NHS Borders
Kelso Hospital
Inch Road



If you still have concerns following our response you have the right to raise the matter with the Information Commissioner's Office:

 Postal Address

Information Commissioner's Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane

Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF

Online Form


Phone Number

0303 123 1113