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It’s not too late to get your winter vaccines and top-up your protection!


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We’re encouraging those eligible to take up the offer of their flu and/or COVID-19 vaccines as soon as possible. Both viruses can be serious, and evidence shows that COVID-19 vaccine protection fades and the flu virus changes over time. Don’t let your protection fade. Getting vaccinated is the most effective way to protect yourself and others against serious illness. 

If you’re eligible for vaccination and haven’t yet received one, or both, please book via our online booking portal NHS Inform portal.

If you are unsure about your eligibility you can check here: Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines you're eligible for | NHS inform.

What is Influenza?

Influenza, commonly called the flu, is an infection of the nose, throat and lungs, which are a part of the respiratory system. You can catch flu all year round, but you are at greater risk of catching it during the wintertime. 

About the flu vaccination
The flu vaccine is the safest and most effective way to help protect against flu. It will also help reduce the risk of spreading flu to others. In the coming months, NHS Borders will offer flu vaccinations to help protect people at risk of flu and its complications. 

Flu vaccines help protect against the main types of flu viruses. It is possible to contract flu after a vaccine but it’s likely to be milder and not last as long. Having the flu vaccine will also stop you spreading flu to other people who may be more at risk of serious problems from flu, like babies and young children, older people, and people with health conditions. It can also help to reduce admission to hospital. 

Decision-making on Scotland’s vaccination programme is guided by the independent advice of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI.)

How is the flu vaccine given?
The flu vaccine will be given as an injection in the upper arm. You will only need one dose of the vaccine each flu season. It takes around 10 days for the vaccine to work.

Vaccine safety
All medicines, including vaccines, are tested for safety and effectiveness before they’re allowed to be used and are monitored by the Medicines and Health care products Regulatory Agency. 

Most people do not experience any, or only mild side effects, after having the vaccine. It shows the vaccine is teaching your body’s immune system how to protect itself from the disease. Side effects might include a sore arm, slight fever, chills, or fatigue and are usually managed by taking paracetamol. A member of staff will discuss this with you at your appointment. 

The following groups are eligible for flu vaccination this year:

  • People aged 50 years and over
  • People aged 18-49 with an eligible health condition
  • Non-frontline health and social care workers
  • Nursery, primary and secondary school teachers and pupil-facing support staff
  • School age pupils (primary and secondary)
  • Children aged 2-5 on 1 September 2023 (and not yet at school)
  • Children aged 6 months to 2 years at risk 

School children can also receive their flu vaccines (nasal sprays). 

Flu appointments can be booked via the online booking portal NHS Inform portal or by calling the National Vaccination Helpline on 0800 030 8013.

The winter programme aims to complete most vaccinations by early December, but the programme will run until 31 March 2024. 

Further information is available at NHS Inform: Immunisation – influenza alongside leaflets and information in other languages and formats (including BSL).  

 Flu and Covid Vaccination 

Please check our Covid-19 webpage for more details on how eligible groups will be contacted for an appointment at one of NHS Borders community clinics.