15 October 2015

The Cheviot Community Healthcare Team (CCHT) celebrated national Older Peoples Day on 1st October by holding a Falls Awareness event at Sainsbury’s in Kelso.

Many local people came along to receive information from the team who were on hand to help.

Older people had the opportunity to have a mini balance assessment to identify their own fall risks whilst getting advice on minimising falls and maintaining a healthy independent life.

Gillian Mitchell, Physiotherapist at NHS Borders said: “A fall is a symptom, not a diagnosis. It can be a marker for the onset of frailty, the first indication of a new or worsening health problem or can represent a tipping point in a person’s life, triggering a downward decline in independence.”

She added: “This event enabled us to highlight the range of simple things that older people can do to stay steady and reduce the risks of a falls and injuries from falls, to those living in the Cheviot locality.”

CCHT Falls Prevention Event 2015

Pictured above: Cheviot Community Healthcare Team. Left to right: Sally Campbell, Lesley Bryce, Debbie Law, Janette Forbes, Brenda Aitken, Jillian McLaren, Lorna Gordon, Vic Horsburgh, Gillian Mitchell, Judith Schofield.