14 November 2017

Breastfeeding has always been the optimal way to feed your baby, providing health benefits for both mum and baby. 

We are pleased to have a successful breastfeeding programme here in the Borders and would like to support more women to consider breastfeeding.

In the last year over 46% of Borders babies were exclusively breastfed at 10-14 days after birth, with 37% still breastfeeding at 6-8 weeks. These latest figures also show an increase over time in the percentage of Scottish Borders babies who are breastfed. The most recent ISD Scotland Report (2017) showed this is between 7% and 10% higher than the national average.

Dr Tim Patterson, Joint Director of Public Health for NHS Borders and Scottish Borders Council said: “Breastfeeding is key to better health in babies and has additional health benefits for mothers. We promote a culture where mothers are supported to breastfeed their babies where possible.

“We would like to see even more babies born in the Borders still receiving breast milk at six weeks of age. We actively encourage mothers to make informed choices based on their own set of circumstances. Our ultimate aim is to continue to strengthen the support that women who are considering breastfeeding in the Scottish Borders receive, by signposting them to available support and by promoting breastfeeding as normal and acceptable in our communities.’’

The ‘Breastfeeding in the Borders Support’ (BiBS) provide guidance and support to all women. This includes supporting women on the post natal ward, within breastfeeding groups or antenatal classes as well as offering 1:1 support for as long as required.

Our volunteers work alongside hospital and community health professionals and the support they offer to families complements the support and care all women routinely receive.

Further information about ‘Breastfeeding in the Borders Support’ can be found on our NHS Borders website: /BiBS