Contract Register

The Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 requires all public sector contracting organisations to keep and maintain a contract register, and to provide an internet-based publicly viewable version. (Effective 18th April 2016)

A contracts register summarises the details of the regulated contracts that relate to our NHS Board. We have many contracts with organisations of all sizes and these contracts need to be monitored and managed appropriately.

The procurement of goods and services valued over £50,000 are formally tendered via the Public Contracts Scotland website.

To view our Contract Opportunities please visit Public Contracts Scotland.

Our contract register provides you with a list of all current contracts and framework agreements with an estimated total value over £50,000. The register is updated monthly to add new contracts as they are awarded and remove those contracts that have expired.

Suppliers can use the contract register to view high level details, and to see which contracts are expiring and which may be advertised. This may help businesses identify future tender opportunities.

To view our Contracts Register please visit Public Contracts Scotland.