Our aim is to improve the health and well being of Borders employees by making health checks accessible in the workplace. Encouraging individuals to identify risk and make appropriate, achievable lifestyle changes, which will reduce and manage the risk of developing cardiovascular and other diseases.

The Workplace Lifestyle Assessment Service is based within and supported by NHS Borders Workplace Health Services.

What Does it Involve?

  • Physical measurements e.g. blood pressure, weight (cholesterol only if risk identified)
  • Assessment of lifestyle e.g. diet, alcohol, exercise
  • Assessing your risk of developing heart disease or other diseases
  • How to reduce and manage any risk identified.

Keep Well: If you meet the criteria for Keep Well you will be offered a cholesterol check and an assign score as an integral part of the check. This part of the health check has a very specific criteria which is discussed with the individual during the intervention.

Health Checks are:

  • Confidential
  • About 30 minutes long
  • Empowering; as they allow you to decide what lifestyle changes (however small) you may want to make to improve your health and reduce your risk of developing diseases.

What Next?

You will be given a written record of your health check and we may ask your permission to inform your GP of the results of your check. Where appropriate you will be encouraged to attend your GP to discuss the results of your check. You can also be sign-posted to other agencies that may help and support you make lifestyle changes.

If you would like to book a session for your workplace please contact : 01896 825 982