NHS Borders Vaccination Hub                01896 809 250 

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions.

About the Programme

Shingles is an infection caused by the same virus as chicken pox. Symptoms include a tingling feeling on your skin, feeling unwell and a painful rash, that usually forms on one side of your body. Shingles is more common among older people, but even younger people can experience it. For some, the pain caused by shingles can last for many years.

The shingles vaccine helps to build up your immunity to the virus, so if you do get shingles, your body will fight it more easily.

Dr Sohail Bhatti, Director of Public Health at NHS Borders, said: “Having the shingles vaccination is highly beneficial, as it can prevent you from getting shingles, or reduce the severity of your symptoms if you do get it.

“As we get older, our immune systems have often been weakened by age, stress, illness, or certain medical treatments, so getting the shingles vaccine is particularly important in helping to boost your immunity to this viral condition.” 

Who is eligible for the shingles vaccine?

You are eligible for your free shingles vaccine if you were aged 70 or 65 years on 1st September 2023. You will not yet be eligible if you were aged 66 to 69 on this date. You can check your eligibility by clicking on the age calculator link

Shingles vaccine eligibility by age calculator 2023/24 (scot.nhs.uk) 

You’re also eligible if you are:

  • Aged 50 years or over and about to start immunosuppressive therapy.
  • Aged 50 years or over with a severely weakened immune system.
  • Aged 71-79 years (born between 2nd September 1944 and 1st September 1953) and have not previously been vaccinated.
  • People aged 18 and over who have had specific cancer treatments. Please call the vaccination hub on 01896 809250 for further advise. 

Making an appointment 

A letter was sent to those eligible for their shingles vaccination, asking them to book an appointment with our vaccination team by calling 01896 809250.

If you have not already received a shingles vaccination but meet the eligibility criteria, please call 01896 809250. 

Clinic venues

Clinics take place in community locations across the Borders. You will be advised of your nearest clinic when making your appointment.

Alternative arrangements will be made for patients who are housebound or who live in residential, care or nursing homes. 

Further information is also available at NHS inform